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YOU can help to build me a plane. You can learn quickly and you will be working to win. Product Link
USA, C. 1944
15 x 10 in (38 x 25 cm)
Make good the promise. Second War Fund, One Hundred Million Dollars, May 20th-27th. Product Link
USA, 1944
17 x 12 in (43 x 30 cm)
Wanted - Fighting Dollars. Make Ever Pay-Day Bond-Day. United States Defense Bonds-Stamps. Product Link
USA, 1944
14 x 10 in (36 x 25 cm)
"Im building the ships we need to win!" U.S. Maritime Commission. Product Link
USA, 1944
7 x 10 in (18 x 25 cm)
Follow His Example. Never talk to anybody about your load or destination. Product Link
USA, 1944
10 x 14 in (25 x 36 cm)
Make This Pledge: I pay no more than top legal prices. I accept no rationed goods without giving up ration stamps. Product Link
USA, 1944
14 x 11 in (36 x 28 cm)
Women! They can't do any more - but you can. Join the WAC. Product Link
USA, 1944
13 x 10 in (33 x 25 cm)
Buy Now for the Bigger 7th War Loan Through Payroll Savings. Product Link
USA, 1944
10 x 14 in (25 x 36 cm)
S.O.S. "Never in the bar or barber's, Talk of ships or crews or harbours, Idlle words - things heard or seen, Help the lurking submarine." Product Link
USA, 1944
12 x 10 in (30 x 25 cm)
You Lose Miles of Rubber Every Time you Jam on your Brakes! Take care of your Tyres and Save Rubber. Product Link
USA, 1944
15 x 10 in (38 x 25 cm)
This man is your FRIEND, He fights for FREEDOM "Dutch Sailor" Product Link
USA, 1944
5 x 7 in (13 x 18 cm)
Emprunt National 1918 -- Souscrivez pour la Victoire qui Vient! Product Link
France, 1918
32 x 44 in (80 x 112 cm)
Emprunt National 6% -- Souscrivez a la Banque Privee Product Link
32 x 48 in (80 x 121 cm)
Vous qui avez un foyer aidez ceux dont la maison est detruite a relever leurs ruines -- et souscrivez a l'emprunt national. 6% a la Societe Francaise de Banque. Product Link
32 x 47 in (81 x 119 cm)
Societe Marseillaise de credit -- Souscrivez a l'emprunt francais Product Link
32 x 47 in (81 x 119 cm)
Pour la Patrie -- Souscrivez A l'Emprunt credit Foncier d'Algerie et de Tunisie Product Link
31 x 47 in (79 x 119 cm)
Compagnie des Notaires de Paris and du Departement de la Seine Product Link
32 x 44 in (81 x 112 cm)
Emprunt pour la Reconstruction des Eglises Devastees 6% Product Link
30 x 45 in (76 x 114 cm)
Emprunt Français On Souscrit a la Societe Centrale Des Banques de Province Product Link